Planning and order of consideration
Conciliation commissions
Consideration of agenda items
Reference on access to public information
Forms of access to public information
Sown areas in 2025 will exceed 23 million hectares, - Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy
The first meeting of the working group on developing a unified route through memorial sites took place
A working meeting was held in the Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy to discuss the issues of the European Commission’s questionnaire
Committee Chairman on Youth and Sports, Lieutenant General (Retired) of the Security Service of Ukraine, Andrii Kozhemiakin, together with members of the Ukrainian delegation, met with representatives of the Defense and International Committees of the Belgian Parliament
The Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy welcomes the signing of the Agreement on Cooperation in Agriculture and Food Industry between the Governments of Ukraine and the Republic of India
The Committee on Youth and Sports congratulated First Deputy Chairman of the Committee Zhan Beleniuk on awarding the honorary title ‘Honoured Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine’
Statement of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Humanitarian and Information Policy in connection with the adoption of the Law “On Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organisations” (No. 8371)
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
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