Комітет у закордонних справах направив звернення новообраним членам Європейського Парламенту

Інформаційне управління Апарату Верховної Ради України
18 липня 2019, 14:59


Комітет у закордонних справах звернувся до європарламентаріїв, а саме до Комітету у закордонних справ на чолі з Головою Комітету Девідом Макаллістером з метою зупинення проведення РФ своєї агресивної політики в Європі. Зокрема, Комітет звертає увагу на питання:

інтенсифікації мілітаризації РФ Криму, дискримінаційної політики щодо кримських татар, національних меншин;

важливості визволення українських військовополонених та політв’язнів;

важливості протидії політично вмотивованим проектам в енергетичній сфері, зокрема “Північній потік 2”, який несе екзестенційну загрозу не лише Україні, а й Європі в цілому, а також збереження потужностей транзиту газу через ГТС України;

необхідності подальшого впровадження санкційної політики у відношенні компаній, залучених до будівництва “Північного потоку 2” та протидії розповсюдженню дезінформації Кремлем;

важливості посилення інформаційної та кібербезпеки у зв’язку з зростанням використання Російською Федерацію технологій ведення гібридної війни проти України та Заходу.

Комітет закликає європейських парламентаріїв до посилення запровадженого санкційного режиму проти РФ та підтримки суверенітету та територіальної цілісності України.

Текст Звернення додається.


Committee on Foreign Affairs

5, Hrushevskoho Str, Kyiv, 01008, Ukraine, tel.:+38 044 255 35 49

18 July 2019, Kyiv

Dear Mr. Mcallister,


With this letter, I would like to present my compliments to the newly elected members of the Committee on foreign affairs of the European Parliament and have the honor to address with the next.

 We would like to remind and to attract your attention:

 to the ongoing Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, the barbaric violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine – annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and occupation of the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions;

 that since 2014, the Russian Federation illegally deprived Ukraine sovereign rights to exercise its authority in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas and the Kerch Strait and to exploit energy and biological resources for its own needs;

 that the Russian Federation continues to militarize the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, and implements a policy of cultural elimination of Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians in Crimea, including the discriminatory and political motivated pursuit of Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and representatives of other national minorities and indigenous peoples:

that more than 70 Ukrainian citizens are illegally detained in Russian prisons and in Crimea as political prisoners, the most known cases of Oleg Sentsov, Volodymyr Balukh and Pavlo Hryb. This is widely reflected in numerous resolutions, including the European Parliament resolution of 14 June 2018 on Russia;

 that Russian Federation continues to violate the basic principles and generally accepted norms of international law, first of all its international obligations in respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, Statute of the United Nations, the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Final Act), the Memorandum on Security Assistance in Connection with the Accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Budapest Memorandum), Statute of the Council of Europe and a number of other bilateral and multilateral agreements, in which Ukraine and the Russian Federation are the parties and participants;

 that Russian Federation is undermining the nuclear disarmament in the world by its revisionist policy aimed to destruct international law and order, firstly by its noncompliance to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF) starting from 2014 and then further withdrawal from the INF;

 that the Russian Federation ignores the decisions of the  International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in connection with the appeal of Ukraine to apply interim measures in the case of the immunity of three Ukrainian naval vessels and twenty-four members of their crew (Ukraine v. the Russian Federation);

 that the new evidences and charges announced by the Dutch Joint Investigation Team (JIT) on crash of the Malaysia Airlines jet in eastern Ukraine, in which 298 people died in 2014, proves Russia responsibility and that three Russians and a Ukrainian would be charged with murder ahead of a trial in March 2020;

 that the existing monitoring mechanisms of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on fulfilling obligations and commitments by the Member States are a key element of protection of the Council of Europe's achievements in development of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. We are convinced that the decisions of the June session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 2019 regarding the lifting of restrictive measures and return of the Russian Federation to the hemicycle of the Assembly were contradictory to its basic values and undermines its credibility;

 about the threats to the information and cyber-security of the European continent from the Russian Federation, as well as the threats of interference in internal political processes, in particular electoral procedures;

 to the threats to the energy security of the European continent through the implementation of the North Stream 2 project, which increases EU dependence on Russian gas as Russia already controls the supply of almost 40 percent of the gas needs of European markets.

 We would like to stress that PJSC Gazprom ("Gazprom") of Russia is no ordinary commercial actor. In addition to the enormous economic power that it wields in Europe, Gazprom is, through its control by the Russian Federation, as much of a geopolitical and geo-economic tool as anything. Serious economic and political harm has for many years now been directed against JSC "NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine" ("Naftogaz") and Naftogaz, formerly one of Gazprom's largest customers and currently its largest gas transporter, both as a means to harm Naftogaz, but clearly, also Ukraine. Naftogaz has taken and is taking action to protect its interests against Gazprom. 

 Gazprom has on several occasions, under the influence of the Russian Federation, cut off, or threatened to cut off, supplies to Naftogaz destined for Ukraine and/or the EU. The most recent cut-offs being in January 2009, 16 June 2014 and from 1 March 2018.

 Gazprom's behaviour is part of a wider strategy to increase EU reliance on Russian gas, and partition EU gas markets. Gazprom has a long track record of abusive behaviour, recently confirmed by the European Commission imposing a series of commitments in respect of Gazprom's efforts to segregate EU gas markets and impose unlawfully high prices. Naftogaz commends the Commission's actions, but Gazprom's further abusive practices, should not be allowed to continue unchecked. Therefore, on 6 May 2019, Naftogaz submitted a competition law complaint against Gazprom to the European Commission. 

 Nord Stream 2 will restore Gazprom's dominance over gas supplies to Ukraine. Second, Gazprom actively prevents virtual reverse gas flows in Central and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, increasing gas prices in these regions. Third, Gazprom refuses to sign swap agreements, which are legal in Russia, with other Russian and Central Asian producers, withholding significant amounts of gas from Europe. Fourth, Gazprom uses its subsidiary Wingas to squeeze competitors in Germany. 

 In this view we invite and urge our colleagues – members of the European Parliament of the 9-th convocation:

 to continue the work of the European Parliament of the VIII convocation on the issue of counteracting information and cyber-threats in Europe and the development of the European Union's Eastern Partnership Initiative, in particular the “EaP+”;

 to appeal to the representatives of your States in the Council of Europe to refrain from actions and decisions that are contrary to the Charter and objectives of the Council of Europe for political purposes and do not support the approval of the credentials of those delegates to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, who are in the sanctions list approved by the European Union;

 to forward to the Governments of your countries and the new Leadership of the European Institutions an appeal of the necessity of the enlargement and strengthening of the EU sanctions policy towards aggressor-states, as well as appeal on alarming energy security situation in Europe;

 to forward an appeal to the new Leadership of the European Institutions about the necessity of full application of the energy legislation of the European Union;  

 to invite the Leadership of the European institutions to intensify their efforts to pave the way for continued transit through Ukraine in compliance with European law, to compel Gazprom to abide by the rule of law, and to consider Naftogaz's competition law complaint as well as potential additional abuses by Gazprom as a matter of urgency and proceed to take appropriate remedial action to mitigate and counter Gazprom's anti-competitive behavior.

 to urge relevant EU institutions to address the Gazprom with appeal to pay Naftogaz the amount due pursuant to the Transit Award, to cease nominating entry points serving territories outside of Ukrainian Government Control, to compensate Naftogaz for transit gas under-deliveries in 2018, and make sure it fulfils its delivery obligation under the Transit Contract in 2019 or compensates underdeliveries and to perform its obligations in relations with Naftogaz; 

 in case of inappropriate position of Russian Federation during “gas negations” to initiate the impose of sanctions on Gazprom as a result of violation of the energy legislation of the European Union.


Dear colleague, wish you every success in your parliamentary and international activities.

          Sincerely yours,

Hanna HOPKO 

Chairwoman of the Committee



Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

Of the European Parliament
