All publications

29 December 2007

The People's Deputies call for legalization of Income obtained by Natural Persons and Legal Entities

28 December 2007

Plenary Meetings on 28 December 2007

28 December 2007

The Budget Committee has issued its Opinion and Proposals on The Law of Ukraine relating to The Budget of Ukraine 2008, and Amendments to several Legislative Acts of Ukraine

28 December 2007

The Organized Crime and Corruption Combatting Committee considered a number of matters at its First Meeting

28 December 2007

The Family Issues, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism Committee recommends that Parliament passes the Bill 'On the State Budget of Ukraine 2008' in its entirety

28 December 2007

The Science and Education Committee upholds the Draft State Budget 2008

28 December 2007

The Agrarian Policy and Land Relations Committee does not endorse the Bill, 'On The State Budget of Ukraine 2008 and Amendments to Several Legislative Acts of Ukraine', introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers

28 December 2007

The European Integration Committee recommends that Parliament approves the State Budget 2008 in its entirety

28 December 2007

The Finance and Banking Committee has approved the Remarks and Proposals to the Bill on the State Budget 2008 and Amendments to several legislative Acts of Ukraine

28 December 2007

The European Integration Committee recommends that Parliament ratifies the Agreement on Simplified Visa Regime and Readmission

28 December 2007

Plenary Meeting of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

28 December 2007

The Environmental Policy, Nature Management, and Overcoming The Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath Committee scrutinized the Bill on The State Budget of Ukraine 2008 and Amendments to Several Legislative Acts of Ukraine

28 December 2007

The Environmental Policy, Nature Management, and Overcoming The Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath Committee scrutinized the Bill on The State Budget of Ukraine 2008 and Amendments to Several Legislative Acts of Ukraine

28 December 2007

The Public Health Committee concluded that the Expenditure towards Funding the Medical Sector should be increased

28 December 2007

The Committee on Procedure and Time-Limits, Parliamentary Ethics and Provision of Activities within The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommends that The Verkhovna Rada adopts the Draft Planned Schedule for the Proceedings of The First Session of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 6th Convocation in January 2008

28 December 2007

The Social Policy and Labour Committee has adopted the List, Membership and Terms of Reference of its Sub-committees

28 December 2007

The Committee on the Matters of Pensioners, Veterans and Disabled People upholds the passing of the Bill on The State Budget of Ukraine 2008 at the First Reading and in its entirety, as a Law subject to Further Revision

28 December 2007

The Public Health Committee, at its Meeting, discussed Organisational Matters relating to its Work

27 December 2007

Plenary Meeting on 27 December 2007