All publications

27 December 2007

The Pattern of Expenditure under Budget Culture Programmes, as envisaged by the Draft Bill on the State Budget 2008, was considered by the Culture and Spirituality Committee

27 December 2007

Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy has scrutinized the Taxation initiatives from The Cabinet of Ministers suggested in the Bill 'On The State Budget 2008'

27 December 2007

The Draft Bill on The State Budget 2008 received preliminary consideration by the National Security and Defence Committee

27 December 2007

The Committee on Finance and Banking considered a number of Organizational Issues

27 December 2007

Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations considered its Structure and elected Chairmen of the Subcommittees at its first Meeting

27 December 2007

The Chairman of The Foreign Affairs Committee, Oleh Bilorus, held a Meeting with the Adviser of The Embassy of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine, Mr Li Palde

27 December 2007

The Sitting of the Party of Regions Faction will be held today

26 December 2007

Meeting of O.H.Bilorus, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs, with Lee Palde, the Counselor of People's Republic of China Embassy in Ukraine

26 December 2007

A Draft Resolution 'On the Procedure and Specific Aspects for Consideration and Adoption of The Law of Ukraine 'On The State Budget of Ukraine 2008' and Amendments to Several Legislative Acts of Ukraine

26 December 2007

The People's Deputies suggest that the Acquisition of a Legal Entity Status by a Religious Organisation be fixed in legislation

26 December 2007

Plenary Meeting on 26 December 2007

26 December 2007

Plenary Meeting on 26 December 2007

26 December 2007

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a Resolution 'On the Election of Chairmen, First Vice-Chairmen, Secretaries and Membership of the Committees of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 6th Convocation, and the Election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Secretary and Membership of the Ad Hoc Privatisation Supervisory Panel'

26 December 2007

A Bill to amend Clauses 49 and 66 of the Standing Orders of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was Registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

25 December 2007

Plenary Meeting held on 25 December 2007

25 December 2007

Plenary Meeting held on 25 December 2007

25 December 2007

Plenary Meeting of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

25 December 2007

Meeting of the Prime-Minister of Ukraine Yu. Tymoshenko with V. Yanukovych, the Party of Regions Leader

25 December 2007

The People's Deputies Call for a Ban on the Sale of Agricultural Land in State or Municipal Ownership