All publications

01 February 2008

The Committee on Culture and Spirituality received for Consideration the Bill "On the State Language of Ukraine"

01 February 2008

On Monday, 4 February, Arseniy Yatseniuk, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, will initiate Meeting of the Leaders of the Deputy Factions with Viktor Yushchenko, the President of Ukraine, in view of the Scheduled Speech of the Head of State in the Parliament with the Annual Address of the President of Ukraine to The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine regarding Internal and External Situation in Ukraine

01 February 2008

The Committee on Environmental Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Elimination of Consequences of Chornobyl Disaster recommends that the Parliament adopts in Entirety the Bill on Amendments to the Law "On the Red Data Book of Ukraine" (re enhanced Protection of Rare Species of Flora and Fauna)

01 February 2008

The Environmental Policy, Nature Management, and Overcoming The Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath Committee recommends that Parliament adopts, in its entirety, the Bill on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine, 'On the Red Data Book of Ukraine' (appertaining to improvements in the Protection of Rare Species of Animals and Plants

01 February 2008

The Budget Committee upholds, with reservations, the Programme presented by The Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine, 'Ukrainian Breakthrough: For the Benefit of the People, not the Politicians'

01 February 2008

The Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, A. Yatseniuk, held a Meeting with The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, M.Riekstins

01 February 2008

The People's Deputies recommend that Medical, Educational, and Research and Educational Employees are granted the Status of Civil Servants

01 February 2008

The Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations is scrutinizing the Bill "On Amendments to the Land Code of Ukraine (re Specification of the Term "Land Relations)"

01 February 2008

The Law Enforcement Legislative Support Committee recommends that The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine holds Parliamentary Hearings on, ' Safety on Ukraine's Roads to ensure Safety of Life', in March 2008

31 January 2008

The Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship prepares the Bill on Audit of Industrial Safety and Labour Protection for the Second Reading

31 January 2008

Under Deliberation in The Fiscal and Customs Policy Committee is a Bill on Amendments to Several Legislative Acts of Ukraine ( appertaining to establishing Tax Exemptions in the area of Environmental Issues)

31 January 2008

Under Deliberation in the Culture and Spirituality Committee is a Bill 'On Conservation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites Included, and Nominated for Inclusion, in The UNESCO World Heritage List

31 January 2008

The Committee on Science and Education recommends that the Parliament rejects the Bill on Amendments to the Law "On Protection of Titles to Inventions and Utility Models" (re Language Issues during Registration of Patent Applications)

31 January 2008

The People's Deputies call for Legislative Determination of the Principles of Social Dialogue Introduction in Ukraine

31 January 2008

The Committee on Social Policy and Labour recommends that The Verkhovna Rada holds the Parliamentary Hearings "On Observance of Rights of Trade Unions in Ukraine, esp. Implementation of the Convention №87 of the International Labour Organization "Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize" and the Convention №98 "Concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively", in December 2008

31 January 2008

The Bill "On Amendments to Article 18 of the Code of Administrative Legal Procedure of Ukraine" (re Subject-Matter Jurisdiction of Administrative Cases to the Local General Courts as Administrative Courts) was registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

31 January 2008

A Draft Declaration of the Major Principles of Ukraine' State Policy concerning the Development of Local Self-Government, was Registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

30 January 2008

The Economic Policy Committee has prepared, to set before Parliament, a Bill on State Registration of Property Rights in Rem and Real Burdens thereof

30 January 2008

The Bill on Amendments to Article 33 of the Law "On Compulsory State Retirement Insurance" (re the Rate of Disability Pension) was registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine