All publications

05 February 2008

The Economic Policy Committee is preparing, for consideration on the Floor, a Bill on Amendments to Several Laws of Ukraine, appertaining to the Operation of Companies

05 February 2008

Oleh Bilorus, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, met Aaron Abramovich, Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

05 February 2008

The Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations Committee has been passed for consideration a Bill 'On Recognizing the Ukrainian population forcibly moved in 1944/5 as being Deported, and Restoration of their Rights

05 February 2008

On Tuesday, 5 February, Arseniy Yatseniuk, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, announced the List of the People's Deputies of Ukraine who failed to register in a written Form before the Beginning of the Plenary Meeting

05 February 2008

The Industrial and Regulatory Policy, and Entrepreneurship Committee is elaborating on the Bill on Amendments to the Law 'On Licensing Specific Types of Business Activities' (appertaining to Security Services)

05 February 2008

On Tuesday, the Plenary Meeting of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was not resumed, since the Representatives of The Party of Regions Faction blocked the Office and the Reception Room of Arseniy Yatseniuk, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The Agreement concerning further Consultations on unblocking the Parliament's Work on Wednesday, 6 February, was reached after the Talks with the Leaders of Deputy Factions, held during the Recess in the Plenary Meeting

05 February 2008

Oleh Bilorus, the Chairman of The Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Borys Tarasiuk, the Chairman of the Committee on European Integration, met Robert Wexler, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe, a Senior Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the United States Congress, a Member of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia

05 February 2008

Oleh Bilorus, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, met Stefan Chrobot, Director of the Regional Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for Ukraine and Belarus

05 February 2008

The Public Health Committee has received for consideration a Bill On Amendments to Clause 77 of the Law, 'On Essentials of Public Health Legislation of Ukraine' appertaining to Social Protection of Public Health Personnel)

05 February 2008

A Bill on Amendments to Clause 43 of the Law, 'On Status of Judges' (appertaining to inclusion of a Judge's previous work experience as a Lawyer with his/hers present experience as a Judge)

04 February 2008

A Bill, 'On the Procedure for Delegating the Authorities of Executive Bodies and Local Governments', was Registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

04 February 2008

The Budget Committee upholds the Programme presented by The Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine, 'Ukrainian Breakthrough: For the Benefit of the People, not the Politicians'

04 February 2008

A Bill on Amendments to the Law, 'On Political Parties in Ukraine' (appertaining to the Reporting by Parties on their Political and Pre-election Programmes), was Registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

04 February 2008

The People's Deputies call for the Holding of Parliamentary Hearings on the Legislative Framework behind the Launch of an Agricultural Land Market in Ukraine

01 February 2008

A Seminar, 'Methods for provision of Openness in the Workings of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: Experience, Problems, and Prospects' was held in The Verkhovna Rada

01 February 2008

The Chairman of the Environmental Policy, Nature Management and Overcoming the Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath Committee, Anatoloy Seminoha, met with The Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Mr Horst Reichenbach

01 February 2008

The Committee on Economic Policy will urgently scrutinize the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Action Plan "Ukrainian Breakthrough: for People, not Politicians" on Monday, 2 February, since the said Issue is included into the Agenda of the Parliament Session

01 February 2008

Under consideration in the Agrarian Policy and Land Relations is a Draft Resolution, 'On Additional Elaboration of the Law of Ukraine, 'On State Land Cadastre' introduced by the People's Deputy, O.Tkachenko

01 February 2008

The Committee on Science and Education recommends that the Parliament rejects the Bill on Amendments to the Laws "On Protection of Title to the Integrated Circuit Topographies" and "On Protection of Title to the Kinds of Plants" (re Use of Languages during Registration of Applications)