All publications

11 February 2008

The Committee on Culture and Spirituality recommends that the Parliament rejects the Draft Resolution "On Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Birth of V.O.Sukhomlynsky"

11 February 2008

A Bill on Amendments to the Law, 'On Political Parties in Ukraine' (appertaining to Unification of Political Parties), was Registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

09 February 2008

The Chairman of the European Integration Committee, Borys Tarasiuk, met with Mr Ian Tindall Boag, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine

09 February 2008

The Law Enforcement Legislative Support Committee recommends that The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts the Bill on Amendments to The Disciplinary Offences Code Of Ukraine (appertaining to Violation of Rules for using Communication devices whilst in charge of a moving vehicle)

09 February 2008

The National Security and Defence Committee recommends that The Verkhovna Rada holds Parliamentary Hearings, 'On the Current State and Prospect for Development of the Defence Industry Complex, and Re-equipment of the National Armed Forces with up-to-date Arms and Hardware' in May 2008

09 February 2008

The Culture and Spirituality Committee scrutinized the out-turn of the Audit, to discover the efficiency of using Ukraine's State Budget, allocated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, towards the production and distribution of National Films in 2006/7

09 February 2008

The Committee for Standing Orders, Deputy's Ethics and Support of Activities within The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, resolved to introduce on the Floor, Statements from certain Deputies on the Termination of Deputies' Authorities

09 February 2008

The Industrial and Regulatory Policy, and Entrepreneurship Committee recommends that Parliament adopts the Bill, 'On Market Surveillance as a basis for Further Deliberations'

09 February 2008

The Foreign Affairs Committee recommends that Parliament ratifies the European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children

09 February 2008

The Environmental Policy, Nature Management, and Overcoming The Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath Committee, upholds the ratification of the Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, defining the General Scheme for Ukraine's Participation in EU-led Crisis Management Operations.

09 February 2008

The Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship Committee considered several Bills amending the Law, 'On the Licensing System in the Business Sector'

09 February 2008

The State Building and Local Self-Government Committee recommends that The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine calls an early Election of several Village, Community and City Mayors, to be held on Sunday 20 April 2008

09 February 2008

The Public Health Committee considered the Programme presented by The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 'Ukrainian Breakthrough: For the Benefit of the People, not the Politicians'

09 February 2008

The People's Deputies call for differentiating the Functions and Authorities of the Kyiv City Mayor and Kyiv City State Administration

08 February 2008

The Budget Committee considered a number of matters within its Terms of Reference

08 February 2008

The Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy adopted a Statute of Public

08 February 2008

The Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement recommends that The Verkhovna Rada adopts as a Basis at the First Reading the Bill on Amendments to several Legislative Acts of Ukraine appertaining to Hunting Economy and Hunting, Protection, Use and Reproduction of Fauna

08 February 2008

Arseniy Yatseniuk, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, held a Working Meeting with the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Committees on Friday, 8 February

08 February 2008

International Meetings of Oleh Bilorus, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs