The Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government recommends that the Parliament adopts in entirety the Bill on Amendments to Article 50 of the Law "On the Local Self-Government in Ukraine"

14 February 2008, 12:40

The Bill (Reg. No. 0871) authorizes not only the Chairman of the Council, but also one third of the deputies of the total personnel of a relevant council, to elect a candidate to the post of a Council Secretary.


Discussing the Bill, the Committee members stated that "one third of the deputies of the total personnel of a relevant council can submit a candidacy to the post of a Council Secretary for consideration, provided "the post of the Council Secretary becomes vacant, when the posts of village, settlement and city mayors become vacant due to early termination of their authorities".


However, there is no regulation mechanizm for the situation, when the posts of Council Secretary and Chairman become vacant in the intersession period. Therefore, the participants of the meeting regulated the said issue by amending the said article, namely, supplementing it with the phrase "or in case the said positions are vacant". 


The Committee members took into consideration the amendment, pursuant to which, one third of the deputies of the total personnel of a relevant council can submit a candidacy to the post of a Council Secretary for consideration, "provided a relevant village, settlement, city mayor failed to submit a candidacy to the post of a Council Secretary for consideration at the next session after the post of a Secretary became vacant due to early termination of his authorities".