On Thursday, May 23, the people's deputies of Ukraine adopted a number of decisions, in particular 

No. 11285 — adopted a resolution on the appointment of a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.  


No. 9197 — amended the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine to ensure equality of procedural rights of all participants in the judicial process before the law and the court;

No. 11133 — amended certain legislative acts to simplify participation in court hearings via videoconference. 


No. 10244 — proposed amendments to paragraph 2 of Section II "Final and Transitional Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On Liquidation of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv and Establishment of the Kyiv City District Administrative Court" regarding the consideration of administrative cases;

No. 9462 — proposed to amend certain legislative acts of Ukraine to improve the provisions on judicial control;

No. 10157 — proposed to amend certain legislative acts of Ukraine (regarding the peculiarities of involving convicts in labor and economic activity in the penitentiary system);

No. 9235 — proposed amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding certain issues of disclosure of bank secrecy and measures to establish guardianship over the property of an individual who is recognized as missing or a person who went missing under special circumstances;

No. 11026 — proposed amendments to the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine to guarantee the right to judicial protection in minor disputes;

No. 9149 — proposed amendments to certain legislative acts to improve the enforcement of fines and community service. 

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