On Thursday, 22 February, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted a number of decisions.


In general:


No. 10454 – amended the Law of Ukraine “On Defence Procurement” to improve the legal regulation of pricing in defence procurement during the martial law regime. The document aims to solve the problem with the accrual of profits for all enterprises that have been fulfilling state defence orders since the beginning of martial law.

No. 9266 – the Law on Electronic Agricultural Receipts was adopted. The document introduces a new financial instrument – agricultural receipts – which will create new opportunities for agricultural producers to access financial and commodity resources and expand the range of lenders capable of financing Ukrainian agriculture, including non-resident lenders.

No. 5865 – amended the Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Capital Markets and Organised Commodity Markets” and some other legislative acts of Ukraine on regulation and supervision of capital markets and organised commodity markets. The document provides for reform of the capital market and significantly expands the powers of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, in particular, gives it the authority to investigate offences in the capital markets. The Law also provides for the imposition of financial sanctions.

No. 5593-d – amended certain legislative acts of Ukraine to improve corporate governance of legal entities in which the state is a shareholder (founder, participant). The document is aimed at implementing the corporate governance reform, in particular, it lays down a model for solving existing problems, for example, regarding the independence of supervisory boards, granting them real powers and responsibility for results.

No. 10208 – amended certain laws of Ukraine to improve the legal regulation of issues related to the prohibition of alienation of real estate acquired (including invested/financed) using a housing certificate for the purchase of residential real estate. The document stipulates that recipients of compensation for damaged/destroyed real estate as a result of russian aggression may cover the difference between the actual cost of the housing they purchase and the cost specified in the housing certificate by using credit funds.

As a basis:

No. 10313 – proposed amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on ensuring the rights of military personnel and police officers to social protection. The document provides for improvement of the mechanisms for ensuring certain rights of servicemen and women to information, medical care, including medical treatment abroad, leave, and pension calculation.

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