Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine!

Speaking to you today, I am truly moved and impressed by what I have already experienced during this visit to Kyiv. I came with a delegation representing several countries: Siv Mossleth from Norway, Mark Demesmaeker from Belgium, Luis Graca from Portugal and our Secretary General Roberto Montella.

We are not just here on a routine diplomatic visit. Our visit is a journey through the harsh reality of the conflict and the suffering that Ukraine is experiencing every day. When we look around us, it is simply impossible to turn a blind eye to the devastation that russia has caused in this country, devastation that we, as outsiders, find difficult to comprehend. In Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, we have witnessed the catastrophic consequences of this war of aggression. We can attest these atrocities committed by russian troops. You wake up to air raids, you don't get enough sleep, but you feel a deep sense of solidarity with the Ukrainian people who face this daily threat. Everywhere we went, we were greeted by resilient and even innovative people and the spirit of the Ukrainian nation. I want to convey my sincere gratitude to everyone who gave up their time to meet with us during our visit. Your pain resonates with us and is not lost. However, in the midst of these challenges, we find inspiration in the optimism that prevails in you.

Dear parliamentarians, colleagues! Our goal is clear: we are here to listen, understand and amplify your voices.

Since 2014, we have drawn attention to every violation of security and human rights obligations by russia. But we do not want to play a symbolic role. We want the russian federation to be held accountable. We want to fill this gap between political declarations and concrete actions. We want our commitments to be more than just words. And with that in mind, at our last annual session we launched a Parliamentary Support Team for Ukraine, helping the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to make full use of its capacity to accelerate innovative exchanges on how parliaments and governments around the world can effectively support Ukraine. I am delighted that our visit comes after the EU agreed to provide €50 billion in support to Ukraine. I am indeed looking forward to more positive news from Washington.

Whether we are coordinating resources for Ukraine, supporting your efforts to return abducted children back to their families, or creating strategies for targeted sanctions against russian perpetrators, we want to make a difference. Your delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has played a crucial role, and we have reached a certain point. I would like to thank them for their constant work in all areas of our activities.

Whether we are coordinating resources for Ukraine, supporting your efforts to return abducted children back to their families, or creating strategies for targeted sanctions against russian perpetrators, we want to make a difference and make a difference. Your delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has played a crucial role, and we have reached a certain point. I would like to thank them for their constant work in all areas of our activities.

Distinguished Members of the Assembly! Let me also express my gratitude to the Ukrainian people for your unwavering democratic voice and the resilience you have shown in the face of the enemy. Your solidarity across all parties sends a powerful message to your international partners, demonstrating that Ukraine's democratic spirit cannot be defeated.

I was very touched when yesterday we paid tribute to the MPs and staff of this Parliament who were killed by russian bullets: Oleksandr Marchenko, Oleh Barna, Serhii Slabenko, Petro Torshyn. It was a painful reminder to all of us that you and your loved ones are paying a terrible sacrifice. What we can do is to make sure that it is not in vain.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's continued support for Ukraine resonates whenever it meets. Our Assembly knows all too well that the danger posed by russia's aggression goes far beyond Ukraine's borders, it affects us all, in Europe and beyond. And that is why, together, we must continue to stand up for Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine!

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