The Senate of the Kingdom of Belgium has overwhelmingly approved a resolution condemning the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children by the aggressor and occupier russia.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Olena Kondratiuk expressed her gratitude to the President of the Senate of the Kingdom of Belgium Stephanie D'Hose for her leadership in advocating for this resolution. The President of the Belgian Senate immediately signed the adopted document on the train on her way to Ukraine.

"Women speakers of the parliaments of the EU countries are united for the release of Ukrainian children abducted by russia," said the Vice Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Olena Kondratiuk said that Stephanie D'Hose had identified the issue of the return of Ukrainian children as one of her personal priorities, which she emphasised in her speech in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Saturday, 25 November.

"Our inter-parliamentary working group is working. And I believe that my role is to return the children, these abducted children, home. From the very beginning of the invasion, we have been thinking that no one can be silent, no one should be silent, everyone in Europe, in the world, should support you. If there are any good hearts in this world, and there are many, then we must all do what we can to bring these children home. And when we bring them back, we have to give them peace, prosperity, security, we have to give them a world without war, a world without putin," said Stephanie D'Hose, speaking at the rostrum of the Ukrainian Parliament.

"This is the world we must win together for Ukrainian children who have suffered and lost a happy and peaceful childhood because of the war unleashed by putin and the russian federation," stressed Olena Kondratiuk, the Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


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