On Thursday, 9 November, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a number of important decisions, including:

– appointed a member of the Advisory Group of Experts and elected a deputy – Nataliia Kuznetsova and Vasyl Shakun.

supported the resolution on the resignation of the Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine V.M. Guttseit.



No. 10000 – adopted the Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024.

No. 10016-d – amended the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine to cancel the moratorium on tax audits. The document will ensure that Ukraine fully complies with its obligations to the IMF to cancel the moratorium on tax audits and take measures to improve tax compliance.

No. 10064 – amended the Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles of Compulsory Seizure of Property of the russian federation and its Residents in Ukraine” to clarify the issues of payment of a part of net profit by state-owned enterprises. Improved the legal mechanism for the compulsory seizure in Ukraine of property owned by the russian federation and its residents.



No. 9627 – proposed amendments to certain laws of Ukraine to attract investment for the purpose of rapid reconstruction of Ukraine. It proposes to simplify the procedure for changing the designated purpose of land for economic recovery.

No. 9451 – proposed amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine to ensure the observance of the rights and freedoms of convicted citizens of Ukraine transferred to Ukraine to serve their sentences, as well as in respect of whom the competent authority of a foreign state has decided to extradite them to Ukraine for prosecution or execution of a sentence.

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