The Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Olena Kondratiuk, together with her parents and relatives, accompanied the first group of children of Ukrainian military personnel who left Ukraine for a holiday in Azerbaijan.

A total of 30 children whose fathers are currently at the frontline, including children of fallen Ukrainian defenders, travelled to Baku from Kyiv. For two weeks, they will have a busy programme of recreation, exploration of the country and psychological rehabilitation.

“This is what these children need most of all. Attention, care, more reasons to smile and enjoy their childhood, which they are trying to take away from them. The first group of children has left. This year there will be two more. We are also preparing to launch a comprehensive rehabilitation and prosthetics programme for Ukrainian soldiers in Azerbaijan,” said Olena Kondratiuk.

The organisation of recreation for Ukrainian children is the result of a working meeting and agreements between the Vice Speaker Olena Kondratiuk and the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sahil Babayev during her recent official visit to Baku.

“This initiative was also supported by the Speaker of the Milli Majlis, Mrs Sahiba Gafarova, when we met and talked in the Parliament of Azerbaijan. And it was approved by the two Presidents – Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Ilham Aliyev – during a bilateral meeting at the summit of the European Political Community,” said Olena Kondratiuk.

The Vice-Speaker noted that Azerbaijan is our friend and strategic partner, so parents, relatives and accompanying persons should not worry.

“They understand us well, empathise with us and have vast experience of working with children of war. I wish the children to have a good holiday, make friends with their peers, discover something new and just have a good time and gain positive emotions!” said Olena Kondratiuk.

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