The First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Korniienko held a working meeting with the delegation of the Estonian National Defence Committee.

The parties discussed a number of important issues, including Ukraine’s path to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, continued military support, the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported to russia and the rehabilitation of Ukrainian servicemen.

First of all, the First Vice-Speaker welcomed the work of the new National Security Committee of the Riigikogu of the Republic of Estonia.

“We feel strong support on our way and highly appreciate all the steps on it, including military assistance, sanctions against the aggressor, important resolutions and other decisions,” Oleksandr Korniienko stressed.

In addition, the First Vice-Speaker informed about the situation of Ukrainian children. “russia has killed hundreds of Ukrainian children, deported thousands – and this is only according to official data,” he said, noting that the perpetrators must be punished for every destroyed life, and young Ukrainians must be returned to their home – Ukraine.

“It is very symbolic that Estonia was the first country to start practical post-war reconstruction of the Zhytomyr region, and a modular kindergarten has already been opened in Ovruch,” Oleksandr Korniienko also emphasised. He noted that this is an example for other countries and suggested considering Estonia’s participation in the restoration of other infrastructure projects in Ukraine.

During the meeting, the First Vice-Speaker also expressed gratitude to the Republic of Estonia for the medical rehabilitation and prosthetics of Ukrainian servicemen, stressing the importance of continuing this area of assistance.

The parties discussed the upcoming Vilnius Summit, Ukraine’s expectations and Euro-Atlantic issues. “Ukraine and the Cossack spirit of our soldiers in NATO will strengthen European security,” said the First Vice Speaker.

For their part, the Estonian delegates stressed that they take their support for Ukraine very seriously and will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary. They also noted that they would continue to impose sanctions against the russian federation and try to limit russia’s ability to wage war, “because it is a vital necessity.”

“Estonia is a great friend of Ukraine! And we are grateful for every decision and step that brings the victory of the free world, the victory of Ukraine over evil, closer,” said Oleksandr Korniienko, the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The meeting was attended by members of the Ukrainian Parliament: the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence Yehor Chernev, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation Arsenii Pushkarenko and the member of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence Solomiia Bobrovska.

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