The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk took part in the ceremony of awarding diplomas and gratitude of the Ukrainian Parliament “for a significant personal contribution to providing comprehensive assistance to the residents of Irpin under martial law, active volunteer and public activities” to representatives of the Irpin community, who a year ago, during the offensive of russian troops, stood up to defend their city and citizens.

The award ceremony was attended by representatives of local authorities, military personnel, religious leaders, volunteers, and delegates from various labour groups.

On behalf of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk thanked all those present for their personal courage in defending the city and protecting ordinary Irpin residents from the russian invasion. He stressed that it is thanks to such people that our country has survived the war for a year and will continue to do so until the Victory.

“The russians will never realise that they have started a war against a nation that thinks about the free future of their country and their children. They are fighting against a generation and people who do not want to return to the Soviet Union 2.0. I want to thank all of you and those who stopped the attack on Kyiv at the cost of extraordinary efforts, at the cost of days spent in basements, at the cost of lost friends and destroyed buildings,” the Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament said in his welcoming speech.

He also thanked each of those present for staying at work during those terrible days of the attack on the capital and continuing to fulfil their labour and civic duty.

“You evacuated local residents, defended your city, distributed humanitarian aid, organised shelters for civilians and provided medical care to the wounded. I thank you for staying in your place and fulfilling the duty that makes each of us a citizen of Ukraine,” the Chairman of the Parliament said.

Ruslan Stefanchuk also awarded the diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For Merit to the Ukrainian People” to the staff of medical institutions in Irpin, who remained committed to their work and continued to provide assistance to the residents of the city and the people from the suburbs of the city in the most difficult conditions of the war.

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