The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk summed up the results of the Parliament’s meeting on 21 March.

In particular, today the Parliament adopted a number of personnel decisions: Mykhailo Fedorov was appointed the Vice Prime Minister of Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development – the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine; Oleksandr Kamyshyn was appointed the Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine; Oksen Lisovyi was appointed the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

 In addition, a number of important legislative initiatives were adopted.


8316 – proposed to settle disputes (cases) regarding state ownership of state-owned critical infrastructure facilities, in particular, in terms of disposal of such facilities.

8312 – proposed to stipulate that the Ministry of Defence will manage the expropriated property under martial law.


8169 – improved the issue of military service. The amendments provide for the passage of testing after enrolment in military service under a contract.

9105 – increased the state budget expenditures by over UAH 500 billion, 96.5% of which are allocated to the national security and defence sector. Part of these funds are general expenditures for the salaries of military personnel.

7606 – stipulated the need to pass exams on the fundamentals of the Constitution, history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian language to obtain citizenship.

9070 – extended combat immunity to police officers of the Special Police of the National Police of Ukraine. It was also proposed to provide for the use of weapons and military equipment by special police officers in the course of national security and defence measures.

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