This was emphasized by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk during a meeting with the leadership and members of the parliamentary committees on defense, foreign and European affairs of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, as well as the France-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group.

He thanked the French parliamentarians for their concern for Ukraine’s problems and strong support for it. At the same time, he emphasized that our country needs even more help to protect not only its land, but also the values on which European statehood is based.

“Today, Ukraine stands on the border between civilization and the abyss, defending its land and protecting important values. This is what motivates our resistance. We know that we, together with our partners, are on the side of good, and we are doing everything to demonstrate to the world that the principles and values of a civilized society matter and are the basis of our coexistence,” Ruslan Stefanchuk said in his speech to the MPs.

According to him, it is very important for Ukraine to feel the shoulder of its partners in order to achieve a complete victory, and therefore we expect concrete and effective steps from the civilized community.

“We need weapons, heavy offensive weapons. And I want to thank France for its leadership in forming and expanding the international coalition to support us in this matter. You are not saying in words but in deeds that Ukraine must win this war as soon as possible. French weapons on the frontline are the best example of France’s standing with Ukraine,” the Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament emphasized and called on his French colleagues not to reduce their efforts in this direction and to support Ukraine in other important issues.

In particular, in addition to the continuation of military and technical assistance, Ruslan Stefanchuk called for strengthening the French Parliament’s political support for Ukraine: recognizing russia as a terrorist state; bringing russia to justice for all crimes committed in Ukraine; international isolation of russia; recognizing the Holodomor of 1932-33 as genocide of the Ukrainian people; supporting President Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s peace formula and the possibility of patronage over one of its points.

“We are also grateful for France’s leadership in supporting Ukraine on its path to the European Union. The next step is now important for us – the opening of negotiations on full membership in the EU, where we also hope for a leading role of France. Your support is also very important on the path of Ukraine’s progress towards NATO, because today Ukrainians are fighting like the NATO army and are a shield for the Alliance countries on the front line," Ruslan Stefanchuk said.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine once again thanked his French colleagues for the high level of cooperation between the parliaments of our countries and assured that the Ukrainian Parliament would do everything to ensure that “Ukraine is heard in the world and the whole world hears Ukraine.”

“We are representatives of our nations, so we have to do what our nations want. And they want peace, cooperation, victory, to continue to live in a civilized society, to be proud of our common values and common future. Thank you for your work and support! Glory to Ukraine!”  Ruslan Stefanchuk emphasized in his speech.



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