Today, December 1, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted a number of decisions, including:


8229 - appealed to the parliaments and governments of foreign countries to recognize the need for UN reform and raise the issue of illegitimacy of russia’s membership in this organization, to recognize the terrorist nature of the russian state under the current political regime.

8230 - called on the international community to recognize the russian federation as a terrorist state and to condemn the insidious attack of the russian federation on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine by all civilized countries of the world.


5552-1 - implemented into national legislation the norms of EU legislation concerning copyright and related rights. Provided clear definitions of copyright/related rights, a list of works that are not subject to copyright and improved the legal protection of these rights.

5643 - strengthened administrative and criminal liability for infringement of copyright and (or) related rights, particularly, administrative – for illegal reproduction, use and distribution of works of science, literature and art, computer programs and databases, phonograms, videograms and broadcasting programs, their illegal duplication and distribution, etc. Criminal liability is for financing the infringement of copyright and related rights.

5749 - established administrative liability for mobbing (harassment), that is, the actions of the employer or colleagues aimed at humiliating the dignity and honour of the employee, their professional reputation in the form of psychological and economic pressure. A fine is provided for this.

5336 - expanded the concept of such a crime as “torturing”, singled out a special subject of this crime – a representative of the state, including foreign, increased responsibility for committing torture. 


8224 – proposed to define who the “national minorities” are and their rights, in particular the right to self-identification, freedom of public associations and peaceful assembly, freedom of expression, thought, conscience, use of the language of the national minority. The bill provides for the establishment of advisory bodies of national minorities.

7633 – proposed to prohibit the use of information sources of the aggressor state or occupying state in educational programs, in scientific and scientific-technical activities.

8196 – proposed to exempt from VAT and import duties on goods that will help in the restoration of the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, in particular, on generator sets.

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