For the first time, we celebrate Youth Day on International Youth Day! – Chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk

Today I want to say a special thank you to our young men and women. To our defenders who defend our rear and our front.

In 2013-14, wrapped in EU flags, you came to the Maidan and stood for European values.

In 2022, you proudly took the Flag of Ukraine and went to fight for our future. And our victory.

It is difficult for me to imagine what other country can be proud of such a conscious young generation.

The generation that defends the borders of their country with weapons in their hands.

The generation that buys thermal imagers and drones because they are needed on the battlefield.

The youth who go to protest actions all over the world to hear about Ukraine.

By young men and women who believe in their country!

 You are free.
 You are strong.
 You are Ukraine.
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