‘Ukraine focuses its attention upon development of relations with Latin American countries. We consider the Republic of Colombia as one of the most budding partner of the region,’ declared the Ukrainian Parliament’s chairman at the meeting with Mauricio Liscano Arango, President of the Senate of the Republic of Colombia.

A.Parubii thanked Colombia for ‘support the development of peace and security in Ukraine, for overwhelming response to the United Nations General Assembly resolution on territorial integrity of the Ukrainian State.’

The parties then displayed their deep interest in further strengthening of friendly relations between our countries in the realms of arms industry, trade and    economic cooperation.  

A.Parubii outlined Ukraine of the present day in brief.

Mauricio Liscano Arango, President of the Senate of the Republic of Colombia emphasized in his turn the strong links between Ukraine and Colombia; and the parties agreed on exchanging of state diplomatic representatives on a par. It was also negotiated to urge both Parliaments to set up mutual friendship groups.  

The meeting was attended by Hanna Hopko, Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
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