Andriy Parubiy had a series of official meetings in the country.

His visit was highlighted by the talks and negotiations with Japanese colleagues on different questions.


The major issues of Ukrainian domestic policy and international cooperation were discussed with the Chairman of the House of Councilors’ Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense Takashi Uto.

At the meeting with Minister of Defense of Japan Vakaiamia Kendzhi the politicians discussed the peculiarities of the Japan Self-Defense Force and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, analyzed all possible threats, mainly modern hybrid war.

Chairman expressed gratitude for Japan's assistance to Ukraine and a strong support for the sanctions against Russia.

Andriy Parubiy had also a meeting with elder son of Japan Emperor Narukhito.

The successor of Emperor demonstrated his awareness of the situation in Ukraine and endorsed the relationship between Ukraine and Japan.

He has emphasized that Japan and Ukraine have a nuclear disaster that unite both countries and make them closer to each other.

Japan is interested in cooperation with Ukraine in different spheres and ready to find the resolution of  the issues, especially concerning environment protection, together.

The importance of Ukraine-Japan cooperation and Japan support to Ukraine were stressed in the course through the negotiations with Prime Minister of Japan Sindzo Abe.

Chairman and Prime Minister talked about Russian aggression towards Ukraine and the ways to oppose it.

In addition, Sindzo Abe has assured that Ukraine has allies in security issues as Ukraine and Japan are the members of United Nations Security Council and the sanctions against Russia, supported by Japan and other countries of G7, cannot be ignored till the implementation of Minsk Agreements is finished.

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