This plenary week's major task is to adopt the draft laws touching the judicial reform, Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrii Parubii said at a briefing on Monday, May 30.

The Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada reminded that the draft laws on judicial reform, constitutional amendments, had earlier been adopted in first reading. "The law and the Constitution do not envision possibility of any amendments to the text of the legislative act between first and second readings, however, a number of people's deputies and factions had certain concerns thus, it was decided to elaborate a draft law through a workgroup to avoid any risks on the way to the adoption of the draft law on amendments to the Constitution," he said.

Andrii Parubii said that on Friday, a group formed of representatives of the parliamentary factions and the Presidential Administration completed its work having prepared the draft law on judicial system and the status of judges.

According to Parubii, "the draft law has to be registered at the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to open the way to the consideration of the constitutional amendments in second reading and in principle."

"I believe this is the major task for this week," he said.

The Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada reminded that to adopt the amendments to the Constitution at least 300 people's deputies of Ukraine must vote for them.

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