In 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted 7 laws of Ukraine, in the preparation and elaboration of which the Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy was determined to be the main one.

Of these, 2 laws are aimed at fulfilling Ukraine's international legal obligations in the field of European integration, namely:

1) The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving State Regulation of Food Security and Livestock Development" of 30.06.2023 No. 3221-IX.

This law is aimed at improving the conditions for the production and circulation of safe and high-quality food and animal feed, improving the system of animal welfare, ensuring a high level of public health protection and meeting their social and economic interests.

2) The Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Genetic Engineering Activities and State Control over Placing Genetically Modified Organisms and Products on the Market" of 23.08.2023 No. 3339-IX.

The law introduces a comprehensive regulation of the legal and organizational framework for genetic engineering activities through state supervision (control) over the use of genetically modified organisms and the circulation of GM products.

The document aims to strengthen control over GMO products and introduces European mechanisms for state registration of GMOs. The Law also establishes requirements for the use of labeling "with GMOs", "without GMOs", "produced from GMO raw materials" in accordance with EU legislation, as consumers should be confident in the products they consume and have the right to choose.

In addition, the Parliament adopted 2 laws in the field of land relations reform:

1) the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Legal Regulation of Notarial and Registration Actions in the Acquisition of Rights to Land Plots" No. 3065-IX dated 02.05.2023.

The Law has significantly simplified the procedure for formalizing the acquisition of small land plots.

The main provisions of the law:

- it is established that the verification of compliance of the acquirer of an agricultural land plot with the requirements set forth in the Land Code of Ukraine is not carried out when acquiring ownership of agricultural land plots: for gardening with an area not exceeding 0.25 hectares and land plots for personal farming with an area of up to 2 hectares located within settlements;

- it is determined that the area of agricultural land plots owned by spouses on the right of joint ownership is taken into account in the total area of agricultural land plots only by the spouse (former spouse) in whose name the ownership is registered;

- the list of persons prohibited from acquiring ownership of agricultural land plots was expanded to include participants (shareholders, members) or ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities subject to sanctions;

2) the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Efficiency of State-Owned Agricultural Land Use" dated 27.07.2023 No. 3272-XI.

According to this Law, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was granted the right to withdraw agricultural land plots from the permanent use of state-owned enterprises and transfer them to other state-owned enterprises for permanent use. This Law also establishes a mechanism for re-registering the right of permanent use of land plots to the right of lease and the possibility to sublease such land plots at land auctions. This will be done in the course of reorganization of state-owned enterprises into business companies. The first land auctions for the acquisition of such land plots for sublease will be held from the beginning of 2024.

In addition, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving State Regulation in the Field of Fisheries, Conservation and Rational Use of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture" No. 2989-IX dated 21.03.2023 was adopted in the field of fisheries.

The Law provides for the creation of the Unified State Electronic System for the Management of the Industry "eFish" to digitalize the fishing industry; introduction of a mechanism for issuing permits in electronic form; provision of all fishing vessels with remote control equipment; establishment of legal requirements for fish reception points for accounting for caught aquatic bioresources and products from them, etc.

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