Ruslan Stefanchuk met with the President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel in Munich

Press Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
18 February 2023, 16:30

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk met with the newly elected President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel in the framework of the Munich Security Forum.

The Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament congratulated Petr Pavel on his election victory and invited him to make his first visit as President to Ukraine.

Ruslan Stefanchuk expressed gratitude to the Czech people for their constant and steadfast support of Ukraine, and to the colleagues of the Czech Parliament for their clear political position on our country, in particular, the recognition of the russian regime as a terrorist regime by the Chamber of Deputies and the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide of the Ukrainian people by both chambers of the Parliament.

The talks were focused on a number of issues that are important for supporting Ukraine in its fight against the russian invasion. In particular, they discussed Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO and the importance of Czech advocacy in these processes; the introduction of the President Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s peace formula into international politics and the Czech patronage of one of the components of this important initiative for Ukraine; strengthening the high level of sanctions pressure against the aggressor country; humanitarian support for Ukrainians who have found refuge in Czech families, and more. 

The participants of the meeting also discussed the issue of military assistance to Ukraine, which the Czech Republic began to provide immediately after the outbreak of a full-scale war. 

“This is what friends do. We will always remember and appreciate this. We hope that the level of global support for Ukraine in the military sphere will only grow. Here, at the Security Forum, we are speaking frankly that our victory depends not only on the quality of the transferred weapons, but also on the speed of their transfer,” Ruslan Stefanchuk emphasized.

The Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament also called on the Czech Republic to join Ukraine’s initiative to establish a special tribunal to bring russia to justice and support international decisions on paying reparations for the damage caused to Ukraine. 

“We are moving together to our common victory. And I am convinced that this is a great opportunity to further unite the historically close and friendly peoples of the Czech Republic and Ukraine,” the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine emphasized during the meeting.

The President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel expressed his deep conviction in the injustice of the war unleashed by russia and assured his Ukrainian counterpart of the Czech Republic’s full support for Ukraine in the fight against the invader.

“We have the same position – support for Ukraine, defense against russian aggression. I believe in your victory and in the fact that all civilized countries will continue to support you until you are completely successful,” Petr Pavel emphasized.

He also agreed with his Ukrainian counterpart that the world does not have much time for reflection in times of war, so it must accelerate its actions to help Ukraine, especially in supplying the necessary weapons.

“We call on other countries to speed up their assistance to Ukraine. For my part, I can assure you that the Czech Republic’s support for Ukraine will continue at all levels – of our people, the President, the Government, and the Parliament. And after the war is over, we will develop a new “Marshall Plan” for the restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine. I am sure that many EU countries and the world will join this process,” the Czech President emphasized.