"The Verkhovna Rada will work in the mode of plenary sittings this week and plans to hold extraordinary sittings," Dmytro Razumkov

12 April 2021, 13:06

The Verkhovna Rada will work in the mode of plenary sittings this week and plans to hold extraordinary sittings. This was announced by the Speaker of the Parliament Dmytro Razumkov during the meeting of the Conciliation Council of Parliamentary Factions and Groups.
"This week we plan to work in your usual regime," he said. Dmytro Razumkov noted that MPs will continue consideration in the second reading the Draft Law No. 2194 on Amendments to the Land Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts on improving the system of management and deregulation in the field of land relations
According to the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada, there are already the initiatives of the parliamentary group "For the Future" and the faction "Servant of the People" on the holding of extraordinary meetings.
"I know that the Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has received two copies of signature sheets. I think that even tomorrow there will be two extraordinary meetings," he said.
"In the near future, the relevant orders of the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada on convening extraordinary sittings will appear," Dmytro Razumkov added.
At the same time, the Speaker of the Parliament called on the MPs to strictly adhere to the quarantine restrictions, in particular to wear protective masks. "First of all, observance of laws begins with oneself," Dmytro Razumkov stressed.
"At the same time, I would like to appeal to all the leaders of factions and groups: you are responsible for your colleagues in the faction, for the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada, for the secretariats, and for all those who help us to perform our functions today. Therefore, approach these issues carefully," the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada said.
He also asked the Committee on National Health, Medical Care and Health Insurance to clarify how Parliament's plenary work could be organized under enhanced quarantine measures.
According to the calendar plan, the Verkhovna Rada will work in the regime if plenary sessions on April 13-16.