From September 15 to 18, the Verkhovna Rada adopted 13 laws of Ukraine and 10 draft laws

Informatiion Department
18 September 2020, 15:00


During the plenary week, which lasted from 15 to 18 September, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted 13 laws of Ukraine and 10 draft laws.


Adopted 13 laws of Ukraine:

- No. 3995 “On Amendments to the Electoral Code of Ukraine to Simplify the Conditions for Registration of Candidates for Deputies in Local Elections”

- No. 2228 “On Amendments to Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Access to Public Information’ to Reduce the Term of Publication of Draft Regulations, Decisions of Local Self-Government Bodies”

- No. 1109 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Expansion of the List of Credit Agreements Covered by the Law of Ukraine" On Consumer Lending”

- No. 3608 “On Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Concerning the Schedule of Plenary Sessions”

- No. 3640 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Concerning the Moratorium on Recovery of Property of Citizens of Ukraine Provided as Collateral for Foreign Currency Loans” Taking into Account the Proposals of the President of Ukraine

- No. 3615-1 “On Amendments to Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Medicinal Products’ Concerning Electronic Retail Trade in Medicinal Products”

- No. 3103 “On Amendments to Article 268 of the Tax Code of Ukraine on Exemption from Payment of Tourist Tax to Internally Displaced Persons”

- No. 3614 “On Amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine to Align the Provisions of the Budget Legislation in Connection with the Completion of the Administrative-Territorial Reform”

- No. 3991 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020’ (on public roads and restoration of emergency bridges)”

- No. 3550 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Promoting the Development of Physical Culture and Sports”

- No. 2618 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Mine Action in Ukraine”

- No.  2412-d “On Intelligence”

- No. 2203 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Restrictions on Joint Work of Relatives”

10 bills were adopted in the first reading as a basis:

-        No. 3553 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Improvement of Certain Issues of Conscription and Military Accounting”

-        No. 3915 “On Amendments to Article 183 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine Concerning the Right of an Investigating Judge, a Court Not to Determine the Amount of Bail in Criminal Proceedings”

-        No. 3984 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Peculiarities of State Policy to Ensure State Sovereignty of Ukraine in the Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk and Luhansk Regions’ Concerning Admission of Investigators, Investigators and Prosecutors to the Area of National Security and Defense Measures" repulse and deter the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions”

-        No.  3851 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on State Support of Culture, Tourism and Creative Industries”

-        No. 3176 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Public Procurement’ on the Procurement of Natural Gas”

-        No. 3048 “On Amendments to Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens and the Legal Regime in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine’ to Establish Alternative Jurisdiction in Cases in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol

-        No. 3743 “On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses on Certain Issues of Dimensional and Weight Control”

-        No. 3656 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine Concerning the Value Added Tax Rate on Transactions for the Supply of Certain Types of Agricultural Products”

-        No. 2689 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Implementation of Norms of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law”

-        No. 3006а “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On State Assistance to Families with Children’ on the provision of one-time state assistance to parents called ‘Baby Box’”