Thursday's plenary sitting: The Order Paper

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
16 July 2020, 11:03

16 July plenary sitting: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the IX convocation.


Provisional agenda:

Personnel issues.


  • First reading

Bill No.3648 “On quality and safety of blood and blood products”.

Bill No.3649 “On amendments to the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine concerning the amenability for infringing the set procedure for providing state of health information in the exercise of donating blood or blood products”.

Bill No.3060 “On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine as to promoting and strengthening the international competitiveness of the video and film production industry”.

Bill No.2353 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding some issues of the size-weight control exercised in urban streets and roads”.

Bill No.2201 “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On road traffic’ concerning the proper exercise of the right of citizens to the admission to taking a knowledge test, vehicle operation and upgrading drivers’ competence level”.

Bill No.2713 (alt. 2713-1, 2713-2, 2713-3, 2713-d) “On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine concerning the taxation of income from the organization and conduct of gambling”.


  • Second reading

Bill No.2398-d “On defense procurement”.

Bill No.2412-d “On intelligence”.

Bill No.2414-d “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine’ concerning activities of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine”.

Bill No.3485 "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine as to improving electoral legislation".

Bill No.3640 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine concerning the moratorium on recovery of Ukrainian citizens’ property pledged as collateral to secure foreign currency loans”.

Four bills on protection of children.

Draft resolution No.3650 "On the formation and liquidation of districts".

Draft resolution No.3736 “The Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the illegitimate nationwide vote on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation over the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol”.

Bill on key guidelines for youth policy.

Bill No.2110 “On electronic public registers”.

Bill on agricultural cooperation.