Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement recommends that the Parliament adopt the Bill on the Amendments to Criminal and Criminal-Executive Code of Ukraine Re the Implementation of the Social Correction of the People Released from the Punishment at Probationary Period

18 December 2008, 15:39

According to the Bill (Reg 3329) introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers it is recommended that the people, released at a probation term should attend compulsory social behavior correction courses.

The representative of the Cabinet of Ministers declared that the courses are elaborated "in order protect the society education of the convicted, to prevent the repeated conviction etc." The main their aim is to "to correct the behavior of the convicted and make their behavior socially appropriate and useful". The courses are elaborated by the universities specialized at pedagogy, psychology and social work.

"The specification of the course will depend on the crime committed and the personality of the convicted". It is supposed that the courses will be held by the probation worker and also by private and state organization that have right for such an activity.

Realization of the course will be held by the criminal and Executive Inspection of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine and Centers of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth of the Ministry on Family Youth and Sport.