Oleksandr Lavrynovych: Adoption of an Unreal Budget by Today's Political Majority can become Real

19 December 2008, 16:13

«They have been elaborating the budget for a long time, but having learnt the figures it presented and willing to avoid any responsibility, they decided to adopt an unreal, but more or less decent budget.  This is an absurd that can become real", - commented the First Vice-Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on situation concerning the basic financial document for Year 2009 for an interview to the periodical "Ukrainsky Tyzhden".  


Moreover, in his interview the First Vice-Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine reminded on the legislative regulations confirming that "present parliamentary majority fails to comply with the Constitution". He also explained why "the issue of President´s Decree concerning termination of the authorities of The Verkhovna Rada was not sufficient to hold early parliamentary elections".


A full text of the interview is available in the periodical "Ukrainsky Tyzhden" for 19 December 2008, or at the web-page http://ut.net.ua/art/166/0/1968/