In September, the Parliament will listen to the Report of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning Disbursement of Funds allocated from the State Budget of Ukraine for overcoming the Aftermath of a July Flood in the Regions of Western Ukraine, - stated A.Yatseniuk

26 August 2008, 19:00

"In September, the Parliament will listen to the report of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning disbursement of funds allocated from the State Budget of Ukraine for overcoming the aftermath of a July flood in the regions of Western Ukraine", - stated  Arseniy Yatseniuk, Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in the interview for the journalists in the course of his working visit to the flood-stricken regions of Western Ukraine.   

The Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine promised to visit the flood-stricken regions in Year 2009, and make certain that funds were being allocated and restoration works were in progress.   

In the course of the working visit, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine visited Horodnytsia in Horodenka district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, where he surveyed the works aimed at reconstruction of flooded buildings, and renovation of a local school.   

According to A.Yatseniuk, people have already received the first tranche in the amount of 20 thousand UAH, and the second tranche in the amount of 10 thousand UAH is going to be paid out. "Thus, at present, people can reconstruct their buildings on their own", - stated A.Yatseniuk.