Committees round-up: Daily

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
06 March 2018, 10:08

Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement

…recommends the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to take the first reading of the draft bill on reinforcing liability for breach of fire safety requirements.

Through the bill No.7233, it is supposed to constitute administrative responsibility for infringement of standards for fire and smoke automatic control engineering systems, including automated fire and smoke alarm and extinguishing devices. The appropriate alterations will be made to the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine (Article 175).

The bill is also meant to change the Criminal Code of Ukraine by means of intensifying sanctions as per the Part 1 and 2 thereof, and by adding a new section defining the meaning of socially dangerous acts/consequences in terms of damage to health and loss of life.

The committeemen backed the bill with one accord.