The Committee on Environmental Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Elimination of Consequences of Chornobyl Disaster recommends that the Parliament passes a Resolution on holding Parliamentary Hearings on the Subject: "On Condition, Actions and Prospects of Elimination of Consequences of Chornobyl Disaster" at the Plenary Session Hall on 23 April 2008

29 January 2008, 12:59

On 26 April 2008 it will be 22 years since Chornobyl disaster. Each anniversary of the accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station prompts comprehensive analysis of activity of all State authority bodies and scientific organizations regarding implementation of State policy in the field of elimination of consequences of Chornobyl disaster. 

The Parliamentary Hearings envisage analysis of the complex of actions aimed at considerable reduction of the rate of radioactivity carry-over beyond "the Estrangement Zone", enhancement and support of nuclear safety barrier, withdrawal of Chornobyl NPS from service and conversion of "Ukryttia" object into the environmentally safe system, further social, medical and psychological rehabilitation of the sufferers, completion of economic revival and provision of stable development of the settlements and territories beyond the "the Estrangement Zone" that suffered radioactive contamination, as well as  places of compact inhabitation of relocated groups of population, preservation of their cultural and historical heritage.

The Committee members believe that holding of the Parliamentary Hearings will facilitate solution of technical issues and matters, concerning nuclear protection of the population and surrounding environment, medical and biological consequences of Chornobyl disaster, enhancement of economic and legal mechanisms of social protection of the population that suffered from the disaster.