A Bill seeking to compel the Heads of Law Enforcement Agencies to Report on the State of Adherence to the Law, and Steps towards its Improvement

30 January 2008, 10:12

The Sponsors of this Bill (Reg.No.1448) on amendments and additions to several Laws of Ukraine, appertaining to Heads of Law Enforcement agencies informing the Public of the state of legality and steps towards its improvement, People's Deputies Sviatoslav Oliynyk and Vasyl Hrytsak, substantiate the necessity of passing this Law by an inappropriate realisation, today, of the principle of publicity in the operation of Law Enforcement agencies in Ukraine, as established in the Laws, 'On the Prosecutor's Office' and 'On the Police', and unclear definition of the mechanism of its realisation in legislation.


The Sponsors insist that an estimation of the effectiveness of operation of Law Enforcement agencies, based on their statistical reports, is inefficient and draws on the quantitative indicators only, making it impossible to provide impartial opinions on the operation of Law Enforcement agencies.


The required publicity, through information to the Public by Heads of Law Enforcement agencies, will be achieved by the invitation to members of the media to meetings of the relevant Councils, at which such information will be provided.


The Bill envisages amendments to the Laws of Ukraine, ‘On the Prosecutor´s Office´, ‘On the Police´, and ‘On Local Self-Government in Ukraine´. It recommends that Heads of Law Enforcement agencies report to the public at Open Plenary Meetings of their relevant Councils, with invited media, on the level of adherence to the Law, Crime Fighting, Public Order, and the results of operations in those areas of priority as defined by The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


The People´s Deputies consider that the passing of this Bill will contribute to elaboration on impartial criteria for evaluation of the work of Law Enforcement agencies, based not only on quantitative indicators, but also directly on their results.