08 June 2017, 13:08
Andrii Parubii, the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine opens the meeting.
Today’s morning session is considering laws on national security, internal and foreign policies, Parliament’s reforming, health-care and judicial reforms. The evening meeting will examine taxation and customs policies.
The MPs have
shifted to the agenda. Bill No.6470 on
the foreign policy is worded by A.Parubii.
The Parliament adopted bill No.6470 to amend the Ukrainian laws on national security and - internal and foreign policies. The new laws hereby enact Ukraine’s commitment to achieve NATO membership strategically by having made it legally binding.
Draft bill No. 6327 on state financial guarantees for health services and medications has been adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the first reading.
The law would define the state financial guarantees to the insured for proper health services and medications at the expense of collective (solidary) medical insurance.
The draft is meant to establish a principal executive body with a special status granted, empowered to conduct the state policy in financing health services and medications directly or through its field offices. The latter are to be founded in accordance with the procedure established by law.
The Chairperson closed the morning session.