The Committee on Social Policy and Labour emphasizes the Lack of a Regulated System of Public Social Standards and Norms Formation in Ukraine

20 February 2008, 12:30

The Committee held a meeting devoted to implementation of the Committee´s resolution of 27 June 2007 "On Recommended Hearings in the Committee on Social Policy and Labour on the Subject "Urgent Problems regarding Application of Public Social Standards and State Guarantees in Ukraine". 


The attendees of the meeting listened to the reports of the representatives of the following ministries: of Labour and Social Policy; Health; Economy; Transport and Connections; for Family, Youth and Sports; Finance; Culture and Tourism; Education and Science; Housing and Utility Economy. The representatives of the Secretariat of the National Trilateral Socio-Economic Council by the President of Ukraine, Ukraine´s Federation of Trade Unions, and the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine also presented their reports.


According to the data of central executive bodies in charge of development and approval of public social standards and norms, the largest amount of public social standards and norms was approved and implemented in the fields of social service and provision of educational establishments - 85-95% as of 1 January 2008. Considerable work was performed in the field of social work with children, youth and different categories of families, health protection and housing and communal services 65-75% of norms and standards were approved.


The Committee members stated the lack of procedure of formation, establishment and approval of social standards and norms.


Therefore, the Committee recommends that the Cabinet of Ministers:


excludes the figure "the rate of living wage provision" from the legislation, since it fails to comply with the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine;


approves a new set of food stuff, nonfoods and services (the so-called consumer basket), and defines and approves a living wage on its basis;


secures monitoring and introduces amendments to the current legislation regarding enhanced status of the State Classifier of Social Standards and Norms.