The Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government recommends that the Parliament adopts as a Basis the Bill on Amendments to the Law "On Election of Deputies of The Verkhovna Rada of Crimean Autonomous Republic, Local Councils, and Village and Settlement Mayors" (re Peculiarities of Mayor Election and Holding of Local Re-Election)

27 March 2008, 16:50


The Bill (Reg. No.1060) introduces amendments to several articles of the said Law, pursuant to which, mayors are to be elected by the majority voted system. The Bill also excludes effective regulations that enable voting against all.


The Committee believes that "adoption of the Bill will make it possible for the city territorial community members to elect candidate with the largest electors´ support as a mayor".  Moreover, it will enhance mayor´s responsibility before the electors; promote political dialogue between a mayor and the deputies of a relevant city council.