The Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, A. Yatseniuk, congratulated The Militia on their Occupational Holiday

20 December 2007, 09:00

On The Militia Day




Dear Friends,


Receive my heartfelt congratulations on your Militia Day


The vocation of Militia Workers is both courageous and honourable. They protect us from criminal encroachments,   peace and calm afforded to individuals, safeguarding their   life, health, and property, and at all times standing for State and public interests.


I believe, that thanks to their responsible attitude towards their duties, and ability to overcome difficulties, if given complete support from society, the Militiamen will honourably achieve their tasks and improve Law and Order in Ukraine.


May your heavy yet honourable duty reward you with the gratitude of our nation, and may fate protect you from the loss of your colleagues.


I wish you all much happiness, good health, the enjoyment of warmth and peace with your family, success in achievements and service to your country, for the sake of Ukraine. I send my very best wishes to you, your families and friends, sharing with you all the strains of your high-pressure life.