Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government recommends Ukrainian Parliament adopt draft law "On introduction of amendments into some Laws of Ukraine in field of housing-public utility services" in second reading and on the whole

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
06 July 2015, 14:31

The participants of the Committee meeting noted that the draft law No. 2029a aims to introduce single approach in the field of state regulation of tariff making considered the key event of the 8th program (Matrix) of strategic and institutional reforms in the frames of the project "Second program borrowing for development policy." Committee members took in account the prospect of gradual shifting to stimulated regulation and tariff making. From now on, the profitability of services will be determined by a body authorized  to set tariffs separately for each economic entity, which will stimulate enterprises to introduce investment projects and reduce their expenditures.