The multi-factional delegation of the Committee on Law Enforcement consisting of the Chairman of the Committee Serhii Ionushas, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Halyna Mykhailiuk, the MP Oleksandra Ustinova and the MP Oleksandr Danutsa are on an official visit to Canada, Ottawa, to deepen interparliamentary cooperation and study the Canadian experience in regulating and functioning of the military justice system.

The visit is part of the project “Parliamentary Accountability of the Security Sector in Ukraine”.

The members of the delegation met with the Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada, Greg Ferguson.

The following issues were discussed:

increasing military assistance – the possibility of Canada purchasing and transferring ammunition;

expanding training programmes for the Ukrainian military, including pilots;

the problem of deportation of Ukrainian children, their return, and the release of all Ukrainian citizens held in russian captivity;

strengthening communication with other countries on the criticality of logistical, financial and political support for Ukraine;

Canada’s support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration and development of cooperation within NATO;

bringing russia to international responsibility for crimes of aggression.

The Committee Chairman Serhii Ionushas thanked for Ukraine's comprehensive support in countering russian aggression, the provision of weapons, active training of our military, humanitarian aid, and for voting for the budget for financial assistance for the purchase of weapons for Ukraine.

Noteworthy: The Government of Canada will allocate 1.6 billion Canadian dollars ($1.16 billion) in military assistance to Ukraine over the next five years, and the government will provide Ukraine with a loan of 2.4 billion Canadian dollars ($1.74 billion) through the International Monetary Fund

The speaker expressed confidence in Ukraine's victory and readiness to provide assistance to counter russian aggression.

In addition, the members of the Committee met with members of the Parliament of Canada. They discussed the following issues:

financial assistance for the purchase of weapons for Ukraine;

humanitarian aid, in particular for demining;

uniting parliamentarians from other partner countries in international coalitions to support Ukraine;

support for the Ukrainian community in Canada.

Halyna Mykhailiuk stressed the need to strengthen the Ukrainian-Canadian parliamentary dialogue and the importance of sharing experience and best legislative practices.

We would like to thank the Parliament of Canada for its unwavering support, including numerous resolutions and bills. We thank Canada for the new defence aid package, for the humanitarian and financial assistance provided, and for the support of our citizens!

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