Even during the full-scale aggression of the russian federation, the decentralisation reform in Ukraine continues, and it is assessed as the most effective on our European integration path.

This was stated by Mariia Mezentseva, the MP, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Ukraine's Integration with the EU, Head of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE.

“The day before, the Verkhovna Rada supported the decentralisation initiative from the local level by adopting in the first reading the draft law No. 9559-d, which will help communities to help our Defence Forces in a simpler, more transparent and faster way. In general, the decentralisation reform is ongoing, and Ukraine's partners and the citizens of our country themselves consider it the most effective in the last 10 years of our difficult but rather dynamic European integration path,” the MP said.

She also added that in the current circumstances, the challenges for the communities and territories of Ukraine are special – everything that was previously used for development projects is now being used to protect energy infrastructure, which has recently been massively attacked by the enemy.

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