The Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development, who represents Ukraine at the plenary meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network, which is taking place on 3-4 April 2024 in Paris, France, shares his impressions of the event.

“This week I am working in Paris at the Global Parliamentary Network Plenary Meeting 2024. This is a forum of MPs from different countries who are leading the OECD agenda.

A lot of attention is paid to Ukraine.

My colleagues and I have launched a friendship group with the parliamentary community of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development because we are implementing reforms aimed at meeting OECD standards and principles. The most famous of these is the reform of corporate governance in the public sector. This is the draft law No. 5593-d, which I led as Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development. This draft law also received a lot of attention at the forum, as it is an important step towards effective asset management in line with international standards.

Representatives from different countries support Ukraine and welcome our activity and success in implementing reforms.”

During his speech at one of the forum's platforms, Oleksiy Movchan thanked all parliamentarians for their support of Ukraine and spoke about the successes in implementing reforms.

“Our endurance lies in the reforms that stabilise the Ukrainian economy and public administration.

Reforms are necessary to create a favourable business environment, reduce corruption and attract foreign investment. They are also the conditions for Ukraine's membership in the European Union, which will open up new opportunities for Ukraine's development and integration into the European space.

Ukraine is striving to become a member of the OECD, and we are gradually moving towards this goal.”


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