On the tenth anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion, the Verkhovna Rada appealed to parliaments, governments, international organisations, and the entire world to remind and emphasise that today it is important to consolidate and support the world around Ukraine as a state, around the people who defend their freedom and independence. The corresponding resolution No. 11019 was supported by 309 MPs.

“In our appeal, we list all the crimes committed by the russian federation in Ukraine over the past ten years, and especially over the past two. These are crimes against humanity, acts of genocide, deportation of children, ill-treatment of prisoners of war, including cases when they are simply shot in violation of the norms of humanity and the Geneva Convention, all the attacks on infrastructure, and violations of the laws and customs of war,” said the MP, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation Arsenii Pushkarenko.

According to him, russia understands only force, so in the adopted document, the parliament calls on the world to consolidate its military support for Ukraine.

“We have seen that the entire policy of Berlin, Paris and other world capitals towards moscow was wrong. This is now recognised by the current leaders of these countries, and they are becoming leaders in supporting Ukraine. While Europe was trying to negotiate and reconcile with putin, he was preparing for war, and in the end, Europe was not ready for such a war,” the MP said.

He added that Ukraine's appeal also asks for support in returning prisoners, our children, releasing all hostages and strengthening the sanctions policy against russia.

“Of course, there should be reparations, the sovereign assets of russia should be used to restore Ukraine. This is a precedent, and we understand that it is difficult for our partners to do this today, but they are moving towards it. That's why our appeal to all parliaments, governments, international organisations and the international community is aimed at restoring justice through punishing the aggressor,” the MP concluded.

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