At an extraordinary meeting on January 19, the Committee on Ukraine's Integration into the EU considered proposals for draft laws aimed at fulfilling international legal obligations in the field of European integration.

Based on the results of the consideration, the Committee members decided to recommend that the following draft laws be recognized as those aimed at adapting Ukrainian legislation to the provisions of EU law in terms of fulfilling Ukraine's international legal obligations in the field of European integration: Draft Law No. 1033 on Fair Lobbying and Draft Law No. 10373 on Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses on Violation of Legislation in the Field of Lobbying.

The Committee also published a list of draft laws that the Committee proposes to include in the agenda of the eleventh session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the ninth convocation. The session will be held from February to September 2024.

The Committee members agreed on the work plan of the Committee on Ukraine's Integration into the EU for the 11th session of the ninth convocation. It includes:

processing and providing opinions on more than 300 draft laws;

control over the implementation of laws, resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada, and its own decisions on the development and implementation of the National Plan for the Adaptation of Legislation to EU Law;

issues related to the current agenda of Ukraine's relations with the EU and NATO;

further steps towards Ukraine's EU membership, in particular in the context of the European Council's decision of December 14-15, 2023, to launch the negotiation process between Ukraine and the EU;

holding conferences, seminars, round tables, and other events organized by the Committee or on its initiative.

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