Mine clearance of agricultural land is one of Ukraine's top priorities for humanitarian assistance. This will strengthen both global food security and the economic stability of Ukraine, the Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy informs.

Thus, according to the Ministry of Economy, in 2023, Ukraine managed to demine the area of agricultural land that can grow 1 million tons of grain, and 18 thousand square kilometers of land were returned to circulation during the year.

The area recognized as potentially mined is 174 thousand square kilometers. Agricultural land affected by mining includes 208 thousand hectares. At present, 156 thousand square kilometers of land need to be checked for explosive devices.

It is noted that thanks to the help of partners with demining, Ukraine remains a key player in the global grain and sunflower oil markets, with a share of more than 10% of international trade. In 2023, Ukraine exported 16.1 million tons of wheat to 65 countries, 26.2 million tons of corn to 80 countries, and 5.7 million tons of sunflower oil to 130 countries.

Over the past year, sappers have completed a significant amount of work on surveying and demining agricultural land. 274 thousand hectares were surveyed, which is more than half of the areas planned to be returned to farmers for use within four years.

According to the updated plan, the priority return of land to economic use will take place in 8 regions. It is planned to survey and, if necessary, clear and demine the following areas:

Donetsk region – 12.8 thousand hectares;

Chernihiv region – 2 thousand hectares;

Sumy region – 85 hectares;

Dnipro region – 6.6 thousand hectares;

Kyiv region – 9.4 thousand hectares;

Mykolaiv region – 44 thousand hectares;

Kharkiv region – 190 thousand hectares;

Kherson region – 248 thousand hectares.

At the same time, it is noted that according to World Bank experts, priority demining of agricultural land in Ukraine will cost about $1.5 billion. Without surveying and demining, the use of these lands by farmers is impossible.

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