The construction of dozens of modern vegetable storages will allow our country to become independent of imported products, especially in the spring. This approach will ensure the constant presence of domestic products on the shelves of Ukrainian stores. We will be able to fully provide for ourselves, and this is what food independence and food security are all about.

This was stated by Dmytro Solomchuk, the MP and member of the Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy.

“Ukraine needs to build about 140-150 more vegetable storages. Currently, many producers store their products in not quite prepared warehouses or store them underground, and such conditions negatively affect the quality of products. As a result, some products will have to be imported as early as April, as domestic products will lose their quality. At the same time, Ukraine has every opportunity to be fully self-sufficient in agricultural products. This year, the Ministry of Economy will provide more grants for processing and equipment for this purpose. We have to produce our own agricultural products, because this is a sign of food independence,” the parliamentarian said.

At the same time, he added that farmers continue to work actively in the de-occupied territories.

“The land is being cleared of mines thanks to the work of the State Emergency Service and pyrotechnics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For example, in Kherson region, more than 50 thousand hectares have been cleared of explosive devices. Thanks to international donors who provided equipment from the Harvest of Victory Charitable Foundation, last year farmers managed to sow, harvest, and conduct autumn work in the spring and are now preparing for spring field work. In the future, farmers will be provided with mobile storage facilities to preserve their produce,” the MP said. 

According to him, Ukraine's international partners are stepping up demining efforts by providing special equipment and training.

“The process of demining is very troublesome and dangerous, it cannot be implemented quickly, no matter how much we would like it to be,” the politician concluded.

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