The number one priority in the work of the Verkhovna Rada both this year and next year is legislative support for the Defence Forces of Ukraine. The number two issue is to work towards our European integration.

This was stated by the MP, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation Arsenii Pushkarenko.

"The priority has been and remains the support of the security and defence forces of Ukraine, as well as the legislation that we are changing and transforming to be among the European family, to be equal among equals in the European Union. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I am glad that despite the war, the Ukrainian parliament managed to do everything on time. We are moving very dynamically and quickly, which is noted by our European partners," the politician said.

He reminded that in 2023, the Verkhovna Rada was very active in working on laws related to European integration.

"It's not just about the seven mandatory recommendations of the European Commission. As of today, we have adopted more than 1,500 laws and amendments to laws to bring our legislation closer to EU law. There are about three thousand more relevant changes to be made. After that, our legislation will meet the so-called Copenhagen criteria, which are the basis for joining the European Union," the MP said.

According to him, in March next year, there will be an interim conclusion on Ukraine's implementation of the recommendations and commitments, and then our country expects the European Commission to propose a negotiation framework, which it is already considering.


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