The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmytro Razumkov opened Tuesday’s plenary sessions.

Dmytro Razumkov reminded that this week’s plenary timetable had been changed for Tuesday and Thursday - for one two-lap plenary sitting per day: 10-12 am plus 12:30-3 pm) as well as for Friday - starting from 1 pm there will be the entire time dedicated to MPs' requests, statements, speeches and so forth.

MP Serhii Shakhov spoke on behalf of two parliamentary factions.

MP Oksana Dmytriieva spoke on behalf of two parliamentary factions.

The Chairman gave the floor to representatives of parliamentary factions and groups to make their announcements, statements, and proposals.

The First Deputy Chairman R.Stefanchuk announced the coming onto the parliamentary scene of 3 new inter-factional associations “Za Ukrainsku Nauku” (“For Ukrainian Science”), “Karpaty” (“Carpathians”), “Za velyke budivnytstvo” (“For Great Construction”).

MPs then proceeded to the business of the day.


  • Bills, legislations and resolutions passed


On gambling: Draft bill No.2285-d

The bill “On state regulation of activities in the organization and conduct of gambling” was finally taken as law on the second reading by 248 members of parliament.


On fin health of “Pivdenmash”: Draft bill No.3697

The bill “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the state budget of Ukraine for 2020’ (concerning further financial recovery of “Production Association ‘O.M. Makarov Pivdennyi Machine-Building Plant’ State Enterprise” was backed by 317 ayes on the first reading and 324 - on the second.

On Supreme Court and judicial gov bodies: Draft bill No.3711

The bill No.3711 “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the judicial system and the status of judges’ and some laws of Ukraine concerning activities of the Supreme Court and judicial governance bodies” (including alt.3711-1, 3711-2) was put on today’s agenda.


On public service: Draft bill No.3489

The bill “On amendments to Article 91 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On public service’” was approved by 246 assenting votes.


On illicit fuel trade: Draft bill No.2515

The bill “On amendments to the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine as to harsher administrative responsibility for illicit fuel trade” was backed on the first reading by 244 ayes.


On criminal procedure: Draft bill No.2734

The bill “On amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (as to improving legal regulation of the criminal procedure)” was sent for revision by 252 votes.

On unlawful taking of vehicles: Draft bill No.3301

The bill “On amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine as to improving legislation aimed at counteracting unlawful taking of a transport facility” was adopted on the first reading by 274 parliamentarians.


On legislative conflicts and loopholes: Draft bill No.1220

The bill “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the notary system’ (regarding the elimination of legislative conflicts and loopholes)” was taken as law on the second reading by 349 Ukrainian parliamentarians.

On met raw materials and scrap metal operations: Draft bill No.2426

The bill “On amendments to certain legislative acts (as to uncovering the gray market of metallurgical raw materials and scrap metal operations)” was carried as law on the second reading by 237 votes in favour.


On electing MPs as committeemen: Draft resolutions Nos.3694, 3771, 3770, 3816

The above documents amending the Verkhovna Rada resolution “On the election of chairmen, first deputy chairmen, deputy chairmen, secretaries, members of committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the IX convocation” were viewed and then duly adopted by MPs.


On a simpler pre-trial investigation: Draft bill No.3299

The bill “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine’ because of the adoption of the Law of Ukraine ‘On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding a simplified pre-trial investigation of certain categories of criminal offences’” was endorsed as law on the second reading by 331 assenting votes.


On sport patronage: Draft bill No.3498

On the first reading there was taken the bill “On amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning sport patronage”. 298 votes were given in favour of this bill.


The presiding officer closed the sitting.

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