There are || bodies in focus of our committee scan today:


  • Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence

At its 24 March sitting, the committee considered the bill No.3196 amending the Law of Ukraine “On the Security Service of Ukraine” in terms of organizational and legal principles of its functioning. As a result of the consideration, the committeemen encouraged the parliament to put it on the agenda of the VRU’s third session and re-send the bill for another first reading.

In addition, members of the committee agreed upon primary parameters of the state defenсe order for 2020 - 2022.


  • Committee on Ukraine’s Integration into EU

Two draft bills Nos.3097, 3097-1 are currently under consideration of the committee. Both of the bills are aimed at strengthening the protection of rights of consumers of housing and communal services (HCS).

Through altering the Laws of Ukraine “On housing and communal services” and “On consumer protection”, there might be introduced (i) a tenfold amends to HCS consumers able to prove that utility bills provided are overrated or wrongful/unlawful, (ii) abolition of fine for tardy payment for utilities services, (iii) freeze over forced evictions, enforced collection of dwellings, and discontinuance of utilities supply.

The committee will make it public at its next sitting whether the said bills are compliant with EU law and Ukraine’s international legal commitments under the Association Agreement.



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