The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy informed that the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister V.Hroisman, were taking part in the meeting.

The questions hour began.

The Chairman gave the floor to the Deputy Minister of Health Pavlo Kovtoniuk, who was to report on the first results of the medical reform.

The official reminded that in April the campaign "A family doctor for everyone" had begun and each Ukrainian might choose a family doctor regardless of the residence permit. Unexpectedly, the initiative appeared to be quite popular and some nine million and odd Ukrainians have chosen their doctors during the two campaign months alone, with approximately two hundred thousand people keeping on doing so daily. The official also said that about twenty doctors already have as many patients as possible on their list.  "We have seen that the course of the campaign does not depend on whether it is a city or a village.  The campaign is successful even in the remotest villages," he added.

The deputy minister also emphasized that the process seems to be very enthusiastic.  He also remarked that the tendency towards better servicing the people has appeared to be. The official then observed that those were only the first changes that had begun and they would take place throughout the country over the next few years.

Among the campaign leaders were said to be Vinnytsia, Kharkiv, Poltava, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr oblasts, whereas Sumy, Zakarpattia, Odesa and Zaporizhzhia oblasts were mentioned amongst the outsiders.

According to the speaker, all primary health care institutions are to begin the said reform by the end of the year, being bound to ink contracts with the National Health Service of Ukraine. All the health care establishments shall be recipients of two kinds of funding in this year. This situation shall last until the year’s end. From 2019 on, there will be used the “Money Follows the Person” (MFP) principle.

The Prime Minister and his ministers answered the questions from the floor.

The questions hour ended at this point.  

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